Four big trade show mistakes and how to avoid them


Four big trade show mistakes and how to avoid them

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Trade show season is nearly upon us – is your business ready? With so much to plan out for even a small booth, making sure you have everything in order can seem like a huge challenge. But if you aren’t taking the time to plan properly, it can lead to some big mistakes that can cost your business leads! 

What are the most common trade show mistakes? 

Ensure that the time, energy and funds you’re putting into your next trade show appearance are being spent well. Consider these big marketing mistakes that can occur if you’re unprepared. 

1. Bad Pre-show Marketing 

It’s easy to assume that the work of marketing at a trade show only begins once the doors open at the event – but nothing could be further from the truth. You want to promote your business’s appearance at every industry event and generate connections long before attendees arrive. Use direct mail, email and social media to announce your appearance and as an outreach effort to set up on-site meetings. 

2. Using Outdated Marketing Materials 

If some of your trade show materials were made several years ago, consider auditing all your trade show marketing. If your corporate colours or business’s logo have been updated in any way, it’s time for fresh marketing! Using outdated materials can lead to an inconsistent-looking booth that confuses attendees and leaves a bad impression of your business. Consistency across all your marketing is key to making a strong first impression on the show floor! 

3. Not Using Branded Apparel 

While a colorful badge that marks your team as exhibitors can catch some attention, sometimes it’s simply not enough. You don’t want your staff dressed like everyone else in attendance - having branded apparel is a much better way to quickly establish who your team members are on sight. A polo bearing your company logo, and in the same colors as the rest of your booth set up, can immediately visually establish your staff as members of your company for new guests who are meeting you for the first time. Logoed apparel also puts your name all over the show floor, wherever your staff goes, rather than limiting it to your booth space! 

4. Poor Follow-up 

The work doesn’t end when the show closes its doors! Your company spent time at this industry event making connections and generating leads, but all of that can prove to be for naught if you don’t follow up on it. Without a post-show marketing strategy, your business can quickly become “out of sight, out of mind” for attendees. Use direct mail to reach back out to those guests whose information you received at the show and encourage them to visit you in-person. 

Need more help in planning your 2023 trade show marketing? Contact KKP London Ontario Central – we can help! Give us a call to set up a free consultation to discuss your needs. 

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